Door County Folk Festival
Jennifer Forbes-Baily
(Omaha, NE)
(Dance Instructor)

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Jennifer Forbes-Baily was introduced to the joy, fun and passion of International Folk Dancing at Foreign Language Week at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1982. Dance workshops have taken her to Door Co, every Madison Folk Ball save one in the last 11 years (performance conflict), Montreal Folk Dance Camp and Kathleen Kerr's marvelous University of Northern Iowa dance workshops (Omaha International Folk Dancers are still doing her dances). Jennifer has taught a 6-week international dance program at the Jewish Community Center, teaches an international dance course for the College of Education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, was dance coordinator/instructor for a grant sponsored program for elementary and senior high schools, Nebraska Foreign Language Camp teacher and is the president-performance coordinator of the Omaha International Folk Dancers. August 2006 Jennifer will celebrate 20 years of cancer survivorship. "Nothing sweeter than surprising your oncologist/radiologist." She credits folk dance as critical to getting through experimental chemo, bone marrow harvest, four surgeries . . . . . her philosophy is - "you gotta get well to keep on dancing." Now if her knees would just listen.